
Welcome to Nerdcrafty

A growing online community of tabletop gamers and creatives, dedicated to making informative, modern, and entertaining content.

Our Mission Statement

“To build a supportive artistic community to produce, promote, and distribute the informational and entertaining content created by our individual members in a way that provides the opportunity for financial stability while playing to personal strengths.”

Supporting Our Artists

Creative Rights
All of our artists retain all rights to their original individual creations. This gives them the freedom to sell and distribute their work as they choose,  ensuring that 100% of the profits go directly to the artist.

We encourage our artists to pool their strengths to build up and support each other by sharing across platforms and creating space to recognize other artists.

Artistic Goods & Services
Our artists are given individual profiles on our website, so that they can promote and showcase their work. In addition, they may also use that space to advertise themselves for hire, commissions, or any handcrafted items they have to sell. Each artist decides their own offerings, pricing structures, and schedule for taking appointments.