Zach Toney

About Me

Welcome! I’m Zach, 

I was born to play pretend by one rule of cool some 35 years ago. My career as a genre savvy Gamemaster began with a deck of playing cards, a group of friends, and some pencil drawings. I didn’t have a lot of material things growing up in small town Northern California so I learned to use my imagination and stage presence early and often. I enjoy welcoming others to tabletop roleplaying games and have done so at comic shops, on, and teaching in the classroom. I am deeply committed but always at ease, ensuring every session every player gets the spotlight and rewarding character moments, with enough optimization, puzzles, player agency, interesting non player characters, world building, and moral quandaries for everyone to have fun. My ability to work with others, analyze, improvise, pace, build player driven campaigns, and adapt to new collaborative storytelling technologies, has become a true joy and labor of love in my life. 

"The Illustrious and infamous CaptainZach, who leads the way in insidious anarchy, irony most dire, thought most skewed and lovely... He who sees more than anyone should and more than most could..." - Mrs. Kern, my high school English Teacher.