Captain Zach

Game Commission Menu

Sessions and Rates

No additional purchases necessary. All games use free versions of Roll20 and Discord, all game rules and character sheets are provided digitally. A ‘session’ is 3-4 hours of actual time between you, the GM, maybe a few friends, with no more than 30 minutes time taken from actual play for breaks and out of game concerns. You can book sessions back-to-back, a month apart, or anything in between, begin play at any time of day any weekday, weekends must be booked at least 7 days in advance.

Sessions are paid for w/ a 50% deposit the remaining 50% paid in full upon game completion. Sessions as low as $10 per player!

First decide what kind of Session you want to Play: Learn to Play, Quickplay, Standard, or Ultimate.

Next choose your Adventure from the Games Menu below.

Contact me at and we'll roll some dice!

Learn to Play ($50)

Playing or Running Dungeons and Dragons for the first time? Want to try Fantasy AGE or Fiasco? Want me to learn your favorite Tabletop Game? I love to learn and meeting new people! Session may include actual play, but the majority of time is spent with character creation, GM Tools, advice, activities, and materials designed to help you learn, and equip you to have the most fun, running or playing your RPG games. Learn to Play Sessions are $50 per single session for up to 5 players or GMs. Add a sixth learner for $10.

Quickplay ($50)

Play with your friends right now for the same cost as five movie theatre tickets. Choose any offering on the Game Menu! 1/3 of the session time is devoted to customizing pre-generated characters then we play! $50 per single session for up to 5 players. Add a sixth player for $10.

Standard ($150)

Schedule an all-day event or meet twice monthly for greater investment in and out of game. After a 1/2 session of group character creation, use the remaining session time for actual play. At the next session use the character portraits, guest spot NPCs, and homebrew options we have tailored to you and your character. Keep your digital character sheet and portrait, as well as an audio and video recording of actual play. $150 per two sessions for up to 6 players (potentially $25 per player, per month )

Ultimate ($999)

Experience your RPG in its most theatrical form. In addition to Standard Commission perks, each player will get a 1-on-1 half-session with the GM to create your character, secrets, and desired character arc. Also, your audio/video actual play digital copy will be edited and gifted to you. Make tailored memories and keep them forever. $999 for five sessions with up to 6 players.

Games Menu

The Curse of the Ironwood Forest

An original Fantasy Adventure!

This is my introduction into roleplaying games and/or Midgard, my take on the Campaign Setting by Kobold Press. Choose to control your character with my rules lightest Cap Zach Hack, rules light Fantasy Adventure Game Engine (AGE), or the #1 selling tabletop RPG: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Keep the campaign going by exploring your character's past and the infinite mysteries the flat world Midgard has to offer: Midgard Map (


A cyberpunk RPG Tragedy.

Customize your dystopia and the anti-hero you'll play in it. Shadow run for your life against corruption, greed, and the never-ending class war - only to confront your past and The Man. Setting based on the Gadfly Game from Author and GM Kurtis Wiebe Gadfly Episode 1 - Prison Break (Part 1) - YouTube


A Storytelling game about powerful ambition and poor impulse control - by Bullypulpit Games

Interested parties and seasoned players welcome! Get away from the Orcs and damage rolls for something a little more theatrical. Create your own situation dramedy inspired by cinema like the Coen Brothers films, as featured by GeekandSundry - Fiasco: Alison Haislip, Bonnie Burton, and John Rogers join Wil on TableTop, episode 8 - YouTube

Iron Fist Tournament

Dead Games, an original action movie simulation RPG Adventure

Become the star of your own adventure that is part fighting game, anime, and action movie. Will you be a supernatural cop? A boxer at the end of his ropes? The wise-cracking pizza delivery person? Whatever you decide: shoot outs, chase scenes, melodrama, cool fights, and one-liners are the only way to uncover the mystery behind the ancient black magic at the heart of this cinematic simulation. This game is designed for and run by my RPG rule system: Cap Zach Hack.

Oath of the Frozen Elf

An Absolute Tabletop Adventure for your Winter Holiday

Control a D&D 5e, Fantasy AGE, or Cap Zach Hack character using some seasonal options and delve into a frozen, haunted dungeon to uncover the secrets of the Frozen Elf and his Oath to Saint Neek.

Strange Halloween

A Kids on Bikes Adventure for your Spooky Holiday

Select from a roster of over 15 character tropes and experience a night of drama and suspense inspired by Stranger Things and Halloween. This game uses the Kids on Bikes rulebook from Hunter games.

As seen being run by your GM on dungeonPOP!

The Hex

An original game and setting by Captain Zach

Player driven campaign with all original content for the Cap Zach Hack. What is The Hex? Why is it happening? What horrible secrets will you and your supernatural detectives uncover? One cannot be told what The Hex is, you must experience it for yourself.


The Ashes of Valkana: A premiere Fantasy AGE Adventure

Adapted from the YouTube series of the same name, you will put your own spin on the Titansgrave Adventure published by Green Ronin. This adventure is ideal for beginners to Fantasy AGE or roleplaying games in general.

Watch Wil premiere this

Tomb of Annihilation

A Survival Adventure for D&D 5e

Create your own dungeons and dragons 5e character using some options from the published campaign and your GM. This adventure is ideal for beginners and veterans of D&D 5e published by Wizards of the Coast.

As seen on the Nerdcrafty Twitch Channel every other Sunday at 6pm!

Weird West

A Monster of the Week RPG

Create your own desperado and survive the deadlands of this savage world of the unknown - whether it be stuck in a shack in the desert with a shape-changer, sequestered to a town of cultists, ambushed on the trail, or robbing a moving train of ghoststone. Inspired by the Deadlands setting by Pinnacle, this GM uses the Cap Zach Hack system instead.

Music and SFX by Tabletop Audio - Ambiences and Music for Tabletop Role Playing Games and White Bat Audio

Dungeons and Dragons 5e by Wizards of the Coast - D&D Official Homepage | Dungeons & Dragons (

Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE, The Expanse RPG, and Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana by Green Ronin Publishing • Dedicated to the art of great games

Fiasco by Bully Pulpit Games: Fiasco – Bully Pulpit Games

Kids on Bikes by Kids on Bikes | Hunters Entertainment

Midgard Campaign Setting by Kobold Press: for 5th Edition D&D Players and GMs/DMs

Oath of the Frozen King by Absolute Tabletop - Oath of the Frozen King (