
About Me

Hi, Sam here!

I'm the Founder and Creative Director for Nerdcrafty. I'm  a Northern Californian transfer to Las Vegas, I oversee our podcasts, real-plays, and other content--but mostly I take care of the editing and graphic design for our programming.

I'm a seasoned second-generation game master, with a 20 year background in theatrical performance and improvisation. My focus in running games is to create a safe playing environment for everyone at the table. My games have a cinematic tone, and a good balance of role-playing and combat. I am always open to having beginners at the table, and have a gentle approach to teaching the rules of the game systems. Speaking of, my favorite systems are Dungeons & Dragons 5e and the legacy Serenity RPG Cortex system.

When I'm not using my performance background for tabletops, I channel it into voice acting. You can hear me in a few projects that range from character impressions for Soundcloud rap parodies, to leading roles in indie animated features on the festival circuit. 

I'm available for graphic design, video editing, and voice over work. I offer flexible rates on a project-to-project basis, so please email me with any business propositions and we can discuss your options.